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Retrieved Title(s):2
Publication type: Book
Tilte: The human dimension : a roundtable on the human dimension of the Middle East peace process : papers, discussions, recommendations : November 12-13, 1994, Amman, Jordan
Mazen Armouti (ed.),
Publication Data:
Amman: Institute of Diplomacy
Publication Year: 1995
Copie(s) info.:
● Total number of Copie(s):1
Publication type: Book
Tilte: The encounter: Islam, the West and human rights: summaries of papers and presentations from the Roundtable on the universality of human rights, December
Mazen Armouti
Publication Data:
Amman: The Institute of Diplomacy
Publication Year: 1995
Copie(s) info.:
● Total number of Copie(s):1