L i b r a r y    &    I n f o r m a t i o n     R e s o u r c e s





         University Website Design: a Case Study of Princess Noura University in Saudi Arabia

Author   Abu Hasna,Ruba Hasan (Author)
Journal Title   ÇáãÌáÉ ÇáÃÑÏäíÉ ááÝäæä
Volume/ Issue   2013 V.6 N.4
Physical Description   P 597-611
Subject Area   Arts
Abstract   The usability and satisfaction, of which users can achieve their expectations and needs from the website, are important in establishing a healthy communication between the university and its stakeholders. It is the designers’ role to facilitate the user’s task and ensure that the user is able to use the product as intended and with a minimum effort to learn how to use it. User involvement in the design process could enhance the designer’s understanding of the usability issues. This study presents a case study of Princess Noura University website. It aims to understand the current design practices implemented in the design of Princess Noura University website and test its usability from the perspective of the users in order to provide recommendations for developing university websites. Data were collected using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches including: 1)WAMMI (Website Analysis and Measurement Inventory) , which was used as a tool to measure the usability of the website considering the five factors: attractiveness, controllability, elpfulness, efficiency and learn ability; 2)Usability tests of the website were conducted with students and faculty members considering the following factors: efficiency, readability, clarity and ease of use; 3)Semi structured interviews with the university web designers. The... |
Subject Headings   ÇáÝä
Call Number   705 ã Ã Ý
Location   Periodicals Hall 2nd floor - ÞÇÚÉ ÇáÏæÑíÇÊ - ÇáØÇÈÞ ÇáËÇäí

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