جامـــعة  فيــلادلفــــيا
المكتبة  ومصادر  المعلومات
   الفهارس الآلية

Computing Optimal Repairs for Functional Dependencies  


المؤلف   Livshits,Ester (Author)
عنوان المجلة   ACM Transactions on Database Systems
المجلد / العدد   2020/SPRING V.45 N.1
الوصف المادي   p 1-46
الموضوع الرئيسي   الحاسوب
الخلاصة   We investigate the complexity of computing an optimal repair of an inconsistent database, in the case where integrity constraints are Functional Dependencies (FDs). We focus on two types of repairs: an optimal subset repair (optimal S-repair), which is obtained by a minimum number of tuple deletions, and an optimal update repair (optimal U-repair), which is obtained by a minimum number of value (cell) updates. For computing an optimal S-repair, we present a polynomial-time algorithm that succeeds on certain sets of FDs and fails on others. We prove the following about the algorithm. المزيد
رؤوس الموضوعات   Database management
رقم التصنيف   005.7405 ATD
موقع المقال   قاعة الدوريات - الطابق الثاني

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