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قسم الخدمات الفنية
الفهرس الإلكتروني - معلومات المادة

نوع المادة: مقال

An Assessment of Maintenance Practices and problems in Jordanian Industries

المؤلف/ المؤلفين Tahboub,K. K (Author)
بيانات المجلة المصدر العنوان: Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering : JJMIE
العدد: 2011 V.5 N.4
رقم الإستدعاء: 621.05 JJM
الموقع: قاعة المراجع والدوريات - الطابق الثاني
الوصف المادي p315 - 323
رأس الموضوع الهندسة
الواصفات  Mechanical engineering 
رقم التزويد 127677
In the move towards world-class manufacturing, many firms are realizing a need for the use of proper maintenance of production facilities and systems. Industrial plants, machines and equipment are becoming technologically more advanced and at the same time more complex and difficult to control. Therefore, the importance of the maintenance function has been greater than before, due to its role in maintaining and improving availability, performance efficiency, on-time deliveries, safety requirements and overall plant productivity. ...

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