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نوع المادة: مقال

Nursing home report card and performance gap

المؤلف/ المؤلفين Kim,Ae-Sook (Author)
بيانات المجلة المصدر العنوان: Health Care Management Review
العدد: 2016/OCT V.41 N.4
رقم الإستدعاء: 362.105 HCM
الموقع: قاعة المراجع والدوريات - الطابق الثاني
الوصف المادي p 368–377
رأس الموضوع المشاكل و الخدمات الاجتماعية
الواصفات  Health care 
رقم التزويد 158791
Background: With the aging of our society, concerns about the quality of nursing homes have been increasing. The Nursing Home Compare (NHC) report card is believed to reduce information asymmetry between the facility and potential residents and, consequently, improve nursing home quality. However, there is limited evidence about how nursing homes use this publicly disseminated performance information. ...

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