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الفهرس الإلكتروني - معلومات المادة

نوع المادة: مقال

Passivity and Passification of Memristor-Based Recurrent Neural Networks With Additive Time-Varying Delays

المؤلف/ المؤلفين Rakkiyappan,R. (Author)
Chandrasekar,A. (Author)
بيانات المجلة المصدر العنوان: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
العدد: 2015/SEP V.26 N.9
رقم الإستدعاء: 006 ITN
الموقع: قاعة المراجع والدوريات - الطابق الثاني
الوصف المادي p 2043 - 2057
رأس الموضوع الحاسوب
الواصفات  Neural networks (Computer science) 
رقم التزويد 142810
This paper presents a new design scheme for the passivity and passification of a class of memristor-based recurrent neural networks (MRNNs) with additive time-varying delays. The predictable assumptions on the boundedness and Lipschitz continuity of activation functions are formulated. The systems considered here are based on a different time-delay model suggested recently, which includes additive time-varying delay components in the state. ...

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