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نوع المادة: مقال

Real-time implementation of a robust active control algorithm for narrowband signals suppression

المؤلف/ المؤلفين Kim,Jeakwan (Author)
Lee,Minho (Author)
بيانات المجلة المصدر العنوان: Soft computing : a fusion of foundations, methodologies and applications
العدد: 2018/MAR V.22 N.5
رقم الإستدعاء: 006.3 SOF
الموقع: قاعة المراجع والدوريات - الطابق الثاني
الوصف المادي p 1545-1554
رأس الموضوع الحاسوب
الواصفات  Soft computing 
رقم التزويد 132190
This study presents a practical active noise control (ANC) algorithm with robust stability for reducing the powertrain noise or vibration inside a car. It is important to ensure that a practical ANC system for a car is robustly stable to variations or uncertainties in the actual plant. After investigating the robust stability condition of the ANC algorithm, a robust plant model is designed by considering the multiplicative plant uncertainties within given bounds such as closing or opening door windows. ...

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